Ice Cream and Money - these works on paper, 2011 - 2012, are a visual glimpse and configuration of the relationship between Kate Ann Maury and Jerry Allen Gilmore, a discovery of respectful play.
Boats will float and Bumble bees will Sting - Another bend on the river, these series of works reflect my realization that life's every movement possesses a humorous bend on the river, where one may be given aid by animals, magicians and shamans or menaced by devils, clowns and bumble bees. Where you go depends upon where you have been, and where you can go depends upon what you can imagine.
Characteristically all of these works are autobiographical, repurposed and retraced narratives, such as identity, sexuality, spirituality, beauty and mortality, different chapters and never in order of appearance, markings on my life.
Assorted Cookies - After the clouds have broken up, what I believe the shoreline of heaven will reveal.